New Delhi: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Monday launched a scathing attack at the BJP, accusing it of "divide and rule". He asserted that the ongoing 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' -led by former party president and MP Rahul Gandhi is an attempt to unite the country which he claimed is being damaged by the ruling dispensation.
"What is your work ? Divide and rule. You are dividing the country, we are uniting. Rahul Gandhi is doing 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' to unite the country," Kharge said in an apparent attack on BJP at a party programme organised to commemorate the 133rd birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He also accused the RSS of dividing the country on the basis of religion.
"RSS only philosophy is to divide the country on the basis of religion," Kharge alleged. Hitting out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for criticising the Congress over various issues, the party president said, he said, "The PM should give account of his 8 years of rule instead of telling what happened in the last 70 years."