New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh on Sunday on the eve of Deepawali and perform the Rajyabhishek (enthronement) of symbolic Bhagwan Shree Ram. At around 5 pm, the Prime Minister will perform darshan and pooja of Bhagwan Shree Ramlala Virajman, followed by inspection of Shree Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra site, the PMO said.
At around 5:45 pm, he will perform the Rajyabhishek of symbolic Bhagwan Shree Ram. Around 6:30 pm, the Prime Minister will witness Aarti at New Ghat, Saryu river, which will be followed by the commencement of the grand Deepotsav celebrations by the Prime Minister, the PMO added.
This year, the sixth edition of Deepotsav is being held, and it is for the first time that the Prime Minister will be participating in-person in the celebrations. More than 15 lakh diyas will be lit on the occasion. Five animated tableaus and eleven Ramleela tableaus with different dance forms from different states will also be put up during Deepotsav. The Prime Minister will also witness the 3-D Holographic Projection Mapping Show at Ram Ki Paidi at the banks of river Saryu along with the Grand Musical Laser Show.